Read our terms and conditions here


Eligibility Criteria

» Instructions will be in English.

» Minimum age at the time of admission is 18 years. Applicants aged over 50 years will be considered for admission by the executive committee on producing a fitness certificate.

» Pregnant mothers need a medical authorization permitting them to practice Yoga.

» Any candidate found unfit or unwell after the beginning of the course will not be permitted to continue the training and a refund of fees and other charges will not be admissible.

Code of Conduct

» Discipline is a mandatory part of the training program and so the course routine must be exactly observed.

» Disrespect to rules and regulations could result in termination of studentship with no refund of fee.

» Absenting anyone from the scheduled program without permission of the teacher or manager concerned would be construed as a gross breach of discipline.

» A student must intimate in advance if they intend to forgo a meal so that there is no wastage of food.

» We do not make arrangements for guests of students. Any activity that is not related to the course is not permitted.

» Ensure you are on time for class or you will not be permitted to enter any class once it has commenced.

» Before departure from the school students must clear all dues and return all books.

» Smoking and alcohol are not permitted during the training.

Refund Policy

All aspirants are advised to carefully consider the time and resources required for the course before forwarding the application for the Teacher Training course. The deposit submitted with the application is not refundable. However, in the case of emergencies and other unavoidable exigencies, we permit students to go for any other scheduled course within the period of one year. We, therefore, recommend that all applicants carefully examine their upcoming obligations so that they may be able to devote their full attention to the Teacher Training program.

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